Good morning friends!!
      Today , am going to be given you home remedies on how to take care of your face and make you look extremely beautiful before applying your makeup..

There're so many home remedies but here is the easy one for you 

If you want brighter skin, it is very important to take care of the various aspects of skin care. As there are several things to cover, we have divided the article into various sub sections for your convenience.Different skin types have different needs and endure different problems. It is important to identify your skin tone and take necessary action.

Two table spoon of honey
1 table spoon of lemon juice
  Mix and allow to settle for 5 minutes and its ready.... As easy as that
  Use 30 minutes before makeup and also before going to bed.

This is the most troublesome skin type to have. The troubles are countless, but when maintained right, this skin type can have a certain glow and charm that is breath taking.
Common troubles:
The common problems include coarse skin with enlarged visible pores and a dull appearance due to the over production of oil in the skin. This in turn gives a shiny and greasy sheen. Frequent acne and blemishes, blackheads, white heads and dark spots are also some of the common problems of oily skin.
Simple tips:
  • Maintain a healthy diet including lots of raw veggies and fruits; avoid oily and junk food.
  • Always keep your face clean. This helps in keeping away excessive oiliness and acne.
This is for those who have oily skin, here is your sure remedy
2 tablespoon of aloe Vera gel
1 table spoon of turmeric

Mix for same 5 minutes before use
With this , the oily face would reduce and it would also help to allow your makeup last longer without applying too much power .

Well, I hope this was was helpful so please like, comment and subscribe.
Except more tips soon ! Stay in touch
God bless you

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