US President-elect Donald Trump (L) and President Barack Obama
US President-elect Donald Trump will repeal “a lot” of President Barack Obama’s executive actions on his first day in the White House, says a top aide to America’s 45th president.
Sean Spicer, Trump’s designated White House press secretary, told ABC on Sunday that the incoming president was planning to immediately annul some of Obama’s actions that he thinks have “hampered” the economy.
He would repeal “the regulations and actions that have been taken by this administration over the last eight years that have hampered both economic growth and job creation,” Spicer said without revealing more details.
Trump has not held back criticism of Obama's decisions on immigration, energy regulation and foreign policy.
He has accused Obama of jeopardizing the country’s security by accepting thousands of refugees without using a proper vetting process.
The Republican president-elect has pledged to deport undocumented immigrants and build a wall on the border with Mexico.
The New York businessman has also indicated that he would pull out of the 2015 Paris Agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Obama was a signatory to the pact, which entered into force on November 4.
Trump, who believes climate change is a “hoax” created by China, has picked Scott Pruitt, attorney general of Oklahoma and a skeptic of climate change, to head the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
On foreign policy, Trump has undermined Obama’s stance on Russia and has accused the outgoing president of “creating” the Daesh (ISIL) terror group. He says he would cooperate with Russia in the fight against Daesh.
Spicer said Sunday that Trump was also going to "bring a new brand to Washington" by banning members of his administration from becoming lobbyists for a period of five years after they leave his government.
“It's very forward-thinking,” he said. “What we've had in the past is people who have looked in the rearview mirror. This time, we're thinking forward. If you want to serve in a Trump administration, you're going to serve this country, not yourself.”

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