What a bride isn't seen by a groom before the wedding.... By okeoghene Ajiri

They're so many questions spouse should ask and know about before the wedding day.... Cause honestly some things are just to superstitious, anyways let's read more about this issue.....

There are some wedding traditions that we don’t even pause to question them. Have we ever asked ourselves the reason ? Do you know why a bride tosses the bouquet over her head?
Why do brides go to such length to keep their groom from seeing their dresses before its time to walk down the isle? And to the most common of all why shouldn’t the groom see her bride a day to wedding? All these are ancient superstition that bad luck will soon follow if the groom sees the bride day before wedding.

In today’s modern world some couples still pounder over the questions whether to see each other prior to their ceremony, if we truly believe that God has brought a couple together, do we really believe that he will let something as frivolous as that bring disaster upon a marriage?. Where and why did this custom begin that a groom would not see his bride before the wedding ceremony? During the times when marriages were arranged by parent, the couple to be wed were never allowed to see each other. Marriages then were like business deals between two families and also paying of Dept you no nothing about....

A father wanting his daughter to marry a man from a rich family to assure she gets a noble status in the set society, but if the groom meets the bride before wedding and sees that she is not attractive, he could back out of the arrangement and cancel the wedding. This is something that the bride’s family would want to avoid at all cost! The wearing of the bridal veil covering the bride’s face went along with this same idea, the veil prevents the groom from running away while he still could if he finds out that the bride is ugly, with the help of the veil the groom won’t have any chance of excuse to back out from the wedding if he find the bride unattractive.

However, today many brides don’t want their groom to see them before the ceremony because they believe it gives them a sense of excitement and longing, making their wedding day more memorable. It wouldn’t have same effect on the groom if he already sees the bride in her dress, hair and makeup prior to the wedding ceremony.

These traditions can be done for the fun of it and not because it brings bad luck to the newly wedded couple as these are just superstitions.

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