Working out and no effective results
By okeoghene Ajiri........

Exercise can be a whole lot of work; especially the waking in the morning for the early morning run, lifting some really heavy things at the gym and even reducing the quantity of food one put into the body system. One will agree with me that it takes a lot of determination and self-discipline to shed weight, which explains why it can be very frustrating to find out that none of these efforts has yielded the most needed result.

Here could be the reasons why you are not losing weight yet after all the work out.

1.  Lack of enough sleep

Do you know that lack of sleep can help charge some hormone which can lead to weight gain? Lack of sleep also leads to poor workouts as a result of fatigue and lack of concentration. Try to have enough sleep in order to enable your workout routine to be evident.

2.   Check your food intake

Your intake of food determines whether or not you lose weight. One may feel one is dieting to shed weight but the question is Are you eating healthy?Try to take food that has good supplement which will make you stay healthy and also not make you add excessive weight. You can work with your fitness instructor for guide.

3. Do you think about exercise more?

According to a French study, they discovered that Simply thinking about exercise can cause you to eat 50% more.This is because one believes that the next exercise will help lose all the fat gained from eating too much. You are not working hard enough Are you going the extra mile to ensure you shed weight?

4.  Do you just go through your exercise routine with minimal or little efforts?

This may be the right time to take it to a whole new level. Add new challenging goals that will enable you do a new exercise routine. This will go a long way in losing the weight faster than you think.

5. You don't drink enough water

Water has a lot of benefits for the body, one of those benefits is that it helps people to shed weight. This is achieved by suppressing appetite, so one is less likely to overeat and this keep your body weight in check. Also lack of water in the body makes one dehydrated and thereby the kidney won't be able to function properly. As a result of that, the kidney turns to the liver for additional support and the liver won't be able to burn out all the fat which leads to the body storing all the fat instead of burning them. This explains why It looks like one is not shedding weight.

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